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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Learn about the kidney diseases

Learn about the kidney diseases

 Learn about the kidneys And The main signs and remedies of kidney diseases

Who doesn't love to be beautiful, clean and tidy? Hygiene outside the body is in your hands, but hygiene inside the body maintains your kidneys. The kidneys play an important role in keeping the body clean by removing unnecessary waste and toxins from the body. The last few years have seen a significant increase in the number of patients with kidney disease. With a rapid increase in the number of patients with diabetes and high blood pressure, there has also been a serious increase in the incidence of kidney failure..

What are the Kidney Failure-Hierarchy communities?

  • Frequent kidney stones
  • Diabetes
  • Have kidney disease at home
  • Hypertension
  • Have had kidney disease before
  • Heart attack
  • People who have been taking painkillers for a long time
  • People above 60 years of age

What to do to prevent kidney diseases::

  • Exercise regularly
  • Matter of controlling blood pressure
  • Diabetes needs to be controlled
  • Healthy and hygienic food should be taken
  • Water should be drunk at regular intervals
  • Stones should be treated in a timely manner
  • A high-risk patient should have a kidney checkup

Kidney is the body's filter plant

The second Thursday in March is celebrated as World Kidney Day. This year's theme is Kidney for Life, Stop Kidney Attack. Different programs were organized in different parts of the state including Ahmedabad to create awareness among the people about kidney and to understand the importance of kidney in our body and to create awareness among the people about this.

Kidney failure

What Causes Kidney Failure What are the signs of kidney failure? Programs were organized for the purpose of diagnosing kidney diseases. Kidney failure due to kidney stones is also seen in Gujarat more than other countries in the world. Many patients have to be removed due to kidney failure. Kidney failure can be prevented if the stones are treated in time. It can also be prevented by knowing the cause of recurrent stones.

Kidney diseases include kidney infections, stones, nephritis, prostate cancer. Fever caused by malaria and viruses causes kidney damage. About 90% of people in ICU suffer from kidney disease in one way or another. The basic function of the kidneys is to get rid of the waste water and excess water in the blood. In other words, the kidney is a body filter plant that works to maintain cleanliness inside the body. 

The kidneys are useful in controlling the body's blood pressure. The kidneys work to produce blood cells in the body and to strengthen the bones. The kidneys are shaped like the cages of our ribs in the upper and posterior part of the abdomen, below which are the two sides of the spine. The kidneys also work to maintain proper levels of sodium and potassium. It also controls water and salt, which helps keep blood pressure stable

Important information related to kidneys

The important information related to kidney is as follows.

  • Do not take painkillers for too long
  • Avoid tobacco, gutkha or alcohol addiction
  • Reduce salt in the diet after the age of 30 years
  • A healthy person should drink 10 to 12 glasses of water daily....

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Sky Map turns your Android device into a window on the night sky.

Sky Map turns your Android device into a window on the night sky.

Sky Map is a hand-held planetarium for your Android device. Use it to identify stars, planets, nebulae and more. Originally developed as Google Sky Map, it has now been donated and open sourced.

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક 

ધોરણ -2 કલ્લોલ વિષયના પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો 

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

ધોરણ 2 પરીક્ષા પ્રેક્ટિસ  પેપર ડાઉનલોડ કરો અહીં

The Map doesn't move/points in the wrong place

Make sure you haven't switched into manual mode. Does your phone have a compass? If not, Sky Map cannot tell your orientation. Look it up here: 

Try calibrating your compass by moving it in a figure of 8 motion or as described here: .

Are there any magnets or metal nearby that might interfere with the compass?

Try switching off "magnetic correction" (in settings) and see if that is more accurate.


• Simple: Point your device at the sky to identify galaxies, stars, constellations, planets, and satellites (including the ISS and Hubble) passing overhead at your location.

• Night Mode: Preserve your night vision with red or green night mode filters.

• Augmented Reality (AR): Use your camera to spot objects in the sky, day or night.

• Sky Paths: Follow the sky track for any object to see it’s exact location in the sky on any date and time.

• Time Travel: Jump to the future or the past and see the sky on different dates and times.

• Social: Capture and share beautiful images with friends and family on social networks. 

• Mobile: WiFi is NOT required (does not require a data signal or GPS to function). Take it camping, boating, or even flying!

Why is autolocation not supported for my phone?

In Android 6 the way permissions work has changed. You need to enable the location permission setting for Sky Map as described here: .

The Map is jittery

Try adjusting the sensor speed and damping (in settings). We have a better solution coming soon!

Do I need an internet connection?

No, but some functions (like entering your location manually) won't work without one. You'll have to use the GPS or enter a latitude and longitude instead.

અહીંથી વાંચો સમગ્ર રિપોર્ટ

Can I help test the latest features?

Sure! Join our beta testing program and get the latest version.




You don't need to be an astronomer to find stars or constellations in the sky, just open SkyView® Free and let it guide you to their location and identify them. SkyView Free is a beautiful and intuitive stargazing app that uses your camera to precisely spot and identify celestial objects in sky, day or night. Find popular constellations as they fade in and out while you scan across the sky, locate planets in our solar system, discover distant galaxies, and witness satellite fly-bys.

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Benefits of potable water

Benefits of potable water

 Benefits of potable water: Potted water protects against seasonal diseases and removes toxins from the body; Learn how potable water cools

The importance of pots increases with the onset of summer season. Its water is as good for health as it is cold to drink. Today people prefer to drink potable water instead of RO and fridge water. The potable water balances the pH level of the body and by drinking its water reaches the natural mineral body of the pot. According to Professor Achyut Tripathi at the National Ayurveda University of the Ministry of AYUSH, fridge water contains a type of gas, which is harmful to health. The gas further damages the white matter stored in the refrigerator, destroying the alkaloids. Drinking water from the fridge does not quench thirst. Filtered water filters the natural oxygen in the pot, which makes it more beneficial for health.

How does potable water cool down?

The process of cooling the water in the pot is the same as the process of drying the sweat from the skin. It can also be understood in such a way that when you sweat in the heat, the skin feels cool after sweating. In this way, after filling the pot with water, air continues to pass through its tiny pores which keep the water cool. The more air passes through the pot, the more water will cool.

Why is it important to drink potable water in summer?

According to Achyut Tripathi, Professor, National Ayurveda University, Ministry of AYUSH, drinking potable water does not cause problems like cough and cold, while drinking potable water weakens the immune system and potable water keeps the body healthy. Drinking potable water does not cause frequent thirst. This water maintains proper oxygen content in the body. Drinking potable water also flushes out toxins from the body.

Anjani Kirodiwal, Chairman, Amrut Mati India Trust, has been conducting research on the scientific benefits of pottery for the last 15 years. Explaining the research done in 1993 in Germany, he said that according to this research, the pH level of a person has been raised to 1-14. Our bodies have different liquids and all of them have different pH. A person whose pH level is seven is not acidic and alkaline means he is neutral. The body of a person whose pH goes below 7 is acidic.

If the pH level goes from 7 to 14, it means that the alkalinity in the body increases. Having a pH 7-14 means you are not at risk of serious illness in the future. The soil is in alkaline format i.e. has alkalinity activity. So drinking water from a clay pot increases the salinity of the body. Overall potable water is considered to be the most beneficial for the body.

Anjani Kirodiwal says that drinking potable water increases salinity in the body, which prevents bad breath. When that water goes into the stomach, the problem related to digestion is removed. Alkaline water balances hormones. Reduces the effects of aging. Weight gain. Removes toxins from the body. Keeps skin well.

આ પણ વાંચો:- 

A new invention, the Alkaline Water Jug

Amrut Mati India Trust has prepared alkaline water jugs by collecting soil from different parts of Rajasthan which has also been certified by IIT Roorkee. This jug eliminates the problem of pollution and fluoride from the water and also increases the water quality. According to Anjani Kirodiwal, low pH level water is converted into alkaline water as soon as it is poured into this jug and alkaline water is considered to be the best for one's body.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી માહિતી રીપોર્ટ

There are so many things to keep in mind when buying a pot

According to Kirodiwal, when buying a pot, check the pH level with the pH level solution and see that it is beneficial to drink the pot water if the pot water is above pH 7. The quality of potted soil can also be known from that pH level.

According to Professor Achyut, the pot should not be more than two years old. The floor should not be greasy. It should not have any kind of polish on it.

When should potable water not be drunk?

According to Anjani Kirodiwal, potable water can be drunk in any season. There is no harm in drinking this water. Even when the fridge was not in this world, people drank only potable water and it did no harm. Giving an example, Anjani explains that well water never goes bad because it contains minerals, similarly potable water never goes bad and it is beneficial for health in every season.

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Google news and daily headlines, Stay informed with latest world and local news personalised for your interest

Google news and daily headlines, Stay informed with latest world and local news personalised for your interest

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વિધાનસભા રિઝલ્ટ લાઈવ જોવા અહી ક્લિક કરો

દિવ્યભાસ્કર પર રિઝલ્ટ જોવા અહી ક્લિક કરો 

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• The Headlines tab offers an unfiltered view of top and breaking news articles from around the world and India. Additional sections let you dig into more on tech news, business news, travel news, national and international news, health and more.

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Do you have constant back pain?

Do you have constant back pain?

Don’t ignore back pain. Nowadays, due to sedentary life, neck, back or back pain is becoming very common. This is a problem that most people ignore and then realize. In any case, the only solution is to strengthen your back.

It is the spinal cord in our body that distinguishes us from animals as human beings, because these spines are not horizontal but straight. It forms our structure. The stress of doing whatever the arms and legs do is lifted by the spine. The load of tasks like bending the body, lifting weights, etc. is on the spine. Let's say the spine is created for these works, but when we start taking advantage of the spinal cord, problems start, which requires awareness. Some research says that back and neck pain is the most common excuse to take time off from work. Eighty percent of those who go to work suffer from back pain and neck pain at least once a year. Research also shows that lower back pain is the sixth most common ailment in a person who has to spend a lot of money.

The usefulness of the shake

Many people recommend a hot or cold shake if you have pain in both the back and the back. The thing to understand is that doing this shake will fix the back problem only if the problem is a muscle problem. Also, this type of shake has a definite effect on the pain, but the effect is on the symptoms of the disease i.e. it relieves the pain, not the cause of the pain. All that is needed is a specialist doctor who can find the cause of the pain and treat it. A hot shake is useful if the muscles are tight and a cold shake is useful if the muscle is swollen. Also, most people usually suffer from back or lower back pain. Two out of 10 people with back problems go to the doctor, as most people get better with a little rest, exercise or a proper diet..


Work affects our shoulders, back and waist more or less. What can be done if it is not possible to quit this job and work is not good for the health of your spine?

It is important to find out the cause of your back problem first. Find out what kind of work bothers you.

1. Often making small changes seems like a lot of good factors at hand. Find out whether your height at work, your size-saddle-wise table and chair, whether your computer is up to your i-level, whether you maintain it all day long, etc. Change if any.

2. Also keep in mind small things like your sleeping habits are right, mattress-pillows are appropriate and the heel of your shoes is not high when you have to stand up all day. Often people who travel a lot are advised to take the train instead of the bike and only such small changes can solve their big problem.

3. If you have any problems with your back, don't ignore them. It doesn't matter if you fix it in the beginning.

4. Problems caused by work cannot be left behind, but your back can be made strong for your work. With exercise, proper diet, proper posture and a few small changes, you can work on maintaining the right strength.

5. It is very important to take a break from doing any kind of work. If you keep the back in the same position, there will be a problem. Take small breaks between work to relieve the back.

6. People who drink less water can also have back problems due to work. Drink two to three liters of water daily.

Small mistakes

Our lifestyle today has changed a lot. Especially working class people who work 8-10 hours in an office are in the worst condition. Apart from this, this condition is also happening to the mothers who are constantly lifting weights or carrying children. Explaining the causes of these problems, Physiotherapist, Bandra physiotherapist Dr. Anjana Longani says, ‘This type of problem can occur when a person sleeps, gets up or sits incorrectly, when lifting weights incorrectly, when they are bent too much or when they have to lift too much weight. I had a patient who was in excruciating pain, but for no apparent reason. Asking about his entire routine, he found out that the way he came from the office and played with his 3-4 year old daughter was wrong. He would lie down on the bed and lift it. We make many small mistakes like this, but we don't realize it and our spine has to suffer the consequences of these mistakes. '

When ignored ...

If there is any kind of pain in the back, back or neck and there is pain that you can tolerate, it is also the initial symptom. Initially the pain is not constant. Resting for a while can help. In such circumstances most of the time the person ignores this type of pain and then gradually it continues to increase. However, if you do not do any remedy for this pain, then the body will adopt it. It also happens that people do not even realize how much pain they are going through and in this situation they spend years. Except for pain, if the muscles become numb, it will tingle. Not only is there pain in the lower back, many people also have pain in the legs due to the spine. Explaining what happens if all these symptoms are ignored, Dr. Anjana Longani says, ‘Not only does the body have to endure a lot constantly, the pain gradually becomes unbearable. It becomes difficult to bend and lift weights, and at some point it becomes impossible. Apart from this, if a vein starts to squeeze due to muscle stiffness, movement can be affected. Gradually, things get worse. "

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અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ 2


The goal of management in treating back pain is to reduce pain intensity as quickly as possible, restore a person's ability to work in daily activities, help the patient cope with depressive pain, assess the side effects of therapy, and help the patient recover between legal and socioeconomic barriers. . For many, the goal is to make progress in rehabilitation by keeping pain at a manageable level, which can later lead to long-term pain relief. For many people the goal of management is to use non-surgical therapy for pain management and to avoid major surgery while for some others surgery may be the fastest way to get better.

Not all treatments work for all conditions or for all individuals with the same condition and some people need to test some treatment options to determine the best treatment that suits them. The current stage of the condition (acute or chronic) is also a crucial factor in choosing a treatment. 
Very few patients with back pain (approximately 1% to 10% of patients) require surgery.

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Complete these 10 important tasks by March 31, including Aadhaar-Pan link and tax saving investment

Complete these 10 important tasks by March 31, including Aadhaar-Pan link and tax saving investment

1. Linking the base page

The last date for linking PAN card with Aadhaar is March 31. If you do not link your page to Aadhaar by March 31, it will become inactive. If a person does not have an active page number, the bank will deduct TDS at the rate of 20% on your income.

2. File a Late or Revised Return

The last date for filing billed or revised Incometax Return (ITR) for 2019-20 is also 31st March. Billed returns are filed after the original deadline for filing returns for a financial year has passed. For this the taxpayer has to pay a penalty of Rs. 10,000.

ધોરણ -3 દ્રિતીય સત્ર પરીક્ષા માટે ઉપયોગી પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર તથા મોડેલ પેપર ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે ઉપયોગી માહિતી 

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક ગુજરાતી

ધોરણ -3 ગુજરાતી વિષય પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર-1 ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ -3 ગુજરાતી વિષય પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર-2 ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ -3 ગુજરાતી વિષય પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર-3 ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક ગણિત

ધોરણ -3 ગણિત વિષય પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર-1 ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ -3 ગણિત વિષય પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર-2 ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ -3 ગણિત વિષય પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર-3 ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ -3 ગણિત વિષય પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર-4 ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

ધોરણ -3 ગણિત વિષય પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર-5 ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક હિન્દી 

ધોરણ -3 હિન્દી વિષય પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર-1 ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક અંગ્રેજી 

ધોરણ -3 અંગ્રેજી વિષય પ્રેક્ટિસ પેપર-1 ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક

ધોરણ 3-4-5 વાર્ષિક પરીક્ષા પ્રેક્ટિસ માટે બનાસકાંઠા ના પેપર ડાઉનલોડ કરો અહીં

Revised returns are filed when an error occurs while filing the original return. Billed ITR is filed under Section 139 (4) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and Revised ITR is filed under Section 139 (5). The billed return has to be filed before 31st March 2021 with a late filing fee of Rs.

3. Book profit from stocks and equity funds

Long-term capital gains over Rs 1 lakh on stocks and equity oriented funds are now taxable. If you have made long term capital gain then Rs. Tax exemption can be availed on long term capital gains up to Rs 1 lakh. Book a profit before March 31 to take advantage of the tax deduction.

For that, you should sell as many stocks and equity funds as you can before March 31 to get a profit of up to Rs 1 lakh. Then reinvest the same money in the next financial year. However in the process of buying and selling you have to pay 1% to the brokerage house. Mutual fund investors do not have to pay this amount, as entry loads are not levied and the entry load does not apply when the funds are sold after one year.

4. Investment to get income tax exemption

If you are planning to invest to avail income tax exemption, you have to invest till March 31. Investments made under several sections of the Income-tax Act, such as 80C and 80D, are tax-exempt. Under Section 80C of the Income-tax Act, tax exemption is available on investments up to Rs 1.5 lakh.

5. KYC of bank and demat account

Demat and bank account holders will have to update KYC by March 31, 2022. Under KYC, the bank asks customers to update their PAN card, address, such as Aadhaar, passport etc. Also requested is a recent photograph and other information. As a rule, your bank account may be closed if you do not update your KYC.

If your demat account does not have KYC, it will be deactivated. This will prevent you from trading in the stock market. Even if a person buys shares of a company, these shares cannot be transferred to the account. This will happen after the KYC process is completed and verified.

6. Deposit minimum amount in PPF, NPS and Sukanya accounts

If you have a Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Pension Scheme (NPS) and Sukanya Samrudhi Yojana (SSY) account, but have not invested in it this financial year, you need to deposit some amount in it to keep the account active. These accounts will become inactive if money is not deposited in PPF and NPS. If you do not deposit the required minimum amount, you will have to pay a penalty to reactivate it.

7. Linking bank account with small savings plans

If you run small savings schemes like Time Deposit, Senior Citizen Savings Scheme or Monthly Scheme at Post Office, you must link these accounts with the bank's Savings Account or Post Office Savings Account by March. From April 1, the money for these schemes will be available in the savings account only. You cannot go to the post office and take interest money in cash. Interest linked money will be transferred electronically upon linking to a savings account.

8. e-kyc for PM Kisan Yojana

Farmers who are availing the benefit of PM Kisan Yojana are required to undergo KYC by March 31. You can also do e-kyc if you wish. Farmers who have not done KYC in PM Kisan account after March 31 will not get Rs 2,000 from Government of India.

9. Submit Form 12B

If you have changed jobs after April 1, 2021, report the TDS deducted from the previous job to the new company through Form 12B. If you do not submit Form 12B by March 31, the company may deduct more TDS, which will be to your detriment.

10. Apply in Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) is a new scheme launched by the Government of India to provide affordable housing to the people. The benefit of this scheme can be availed till March 31. Under the scheme, credit linked subsidy is given to first time home buyers. Up to a maximum of Rs 2.67 lakh. Different subsidies are given to different income classes.
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