G.C.E.R.T. Gujarat Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan has announced "Learn and Learn at Home" TV program time table for standard 3 to 12 students. All students learn through DD Girnat Doordarshan channel.
3 to 12 "Home Learning" from Doordarshan DD Girnar Channel Karyakram nu Prasaran Nihalva babat SSA no circular. About watching the broadcast of the educational lesson under the "Home Learning" program for the students of Std. 3 to 8 and std. 9 to 12 Doordarshan Kendra through DD Girnar Channel. Secretariat Gandhinagar on 05/06/2020 academic year It is not possible to call students in schools for educational work due to the current Koro epidemic. So that std. Content based video educational lessons are prepared for the students of 3 to 8 and std. 9 to 12 - D.D. from the state level for the educational work of students through TV i.e. Doordarshan Kendra. It is planned to broadcast from Girnar panel.
Standard-1 Home Learning Video (October-October-2020) | Gujarat E Class Daily YouTube Online Online Class. [STD-1] Std. 3 to 12 DD Girnar Live TV "Home Learning" Videos, Online Online Study of Home Video Learning Material DD Girnar YouTube, SSA Gujarat. Home Learning Program for GCERT 19/06/2020 Videos [STD 3 to 12] | Study from home by DD Girnar, DIDSHA. Gujarat Education Department has started a study program for Std-of students. 3 to 12, called the "Home Learning Program." It has been aired by Doordarshan TV channel DD Girnar. The video can also be viewed on the DIDSASA portal. S.S.A. for students to study at home. And G.C.E.R.T. This is a very good collaboration between.
In this regard, teachers, parents, SMC members, conscious citizens as well as students are asked to provide information about this "Home Learning" program. The Department of Education has organized a "Home Learning" program for Std. 5 students. 3 to 8 and std. 15/06/2020 to 9 to 12 so that students can study at home due to Corona epidemic. According to the suggested date and time, students of that standard will be able to observe the program without fail and to proceed in their academic work, they will immediately inform your class principals and teachers and make necessary arrangements for success. Program.
In addition, students are asked to be vigilant in carrying the required educational materials such as textbooks, pens, pencils and notebooks while watching the program. Taluka Primary Education Officer, Taluka Education Inspector, BIT Education Inspector, BRC - CRC Co.O. Your child is asked to make appropriate arrangements to guide and supervise how your child sees and studies your broadcast. Every child is important and we all strive for his education.
In this post you will study the whole date 3 to 12 and according to the standard DD Girnar broadcast all the dates home study study material video, DD Girnar home learning video standard 12, DD Girnar home learning video standard 11, DD Girnar home learning video standard 10, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Std. 9, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 8, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 7, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 6, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 5 .. DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard, DD Girnar Home Learning Video Standard 3 .
DD Girnar is being broadcast on the channel by Doordarshan Kendra, Ahmedabad programs. Students are benefiting from all these programs with the cooperation of all of you, with wide publicity under good leadership. Based on the feedback from you, teacher friends as well as parents, instructions for broadcast programs for Std. 10 have been received. 1 and 2 students through television.
Based on these instructions, Std-1 and Std-1 and Std-1 for Std-1 and Std-1 through DD Girnar channel. D.D. by Girnar Channel. The program will be broadcast during 9:30 hours (except Wednesdays and Thursdays). It is desirable that std. 1 and 8 watch the program in the presence of their parents or older siblings.
ધોરણ-૩ પર્યાવરણ વિડીયો
ધોરણ-૪ પર્યાવરણ વિડીયો
ધોરણ-૫ ગણિત વિડીયો
If the std. 1 and 2 are young, watching TV. It is very important that the instruction / information given by the teacher should be in front of the parents or their elder siblings and Std. 5 students.
ધોરણ-૬ ગુજરાતી વિડીયો
ધોરણ-૭ ગુજરાતી વિડીયો
ધોરણ-૮ ગુજરાતી વિડીયો
ધોરણ-9 MATHS વિડીયો
ધોરણ-૧૨ MATHS વિડીયો
o that std. Educational programs prepared for the students of 'Vande Gujarat' channel no. - 1 to 12 24 hour broadcast, Doordarshan's DTH. Is served.
Vande Gujarat Channel is available on free recipes. Apart from this, from 19.09.2020 on TV i.e. Doordarshan Kendra D.D. Educational programs have started broadcasting from Girnar channel.
In this regard, the principals and teachers of all the secondary and higher secondary schools have informed the parents as well as the students about this "Home Learning" program through the Reference-3 letter here. Due to the Corona epidemic, the program "Home Learning for Std. 1 to 2 students" has started airing on DD Girnar Channel from 01.09.2020.
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